Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pilates.....My newest endeavor!

I arrived in California a couple of weeks ago, having departed from Creative Health Institute, a raw wellness center in Michigan. I learned a lot of interesting things, and enjoyed a lot of healthy organic foods while there. I haven't maintained a raw lifestyle, as it's not particularly for me. As most people, I lived 23 years of my life on cooked foods, and enjoyed it very much. I also know that during those 23 years when I gained weight, or felt sluggish from food, it wasn't because it was cooked, it was because it usually wasn't FOOD. Instead of indulging in earths produce (fruits, and vegetables) I would be eating things that were probably made in labs. For instance, the most deadliest of all chips........Hot Cheetos!( lol )...Show me a hot Cheetos tree, and I'll take that last statement back! So from experience do I believe a raw lifestyle is the way to go? Honestly, I couldn't tell you. All I can say is to try it for yourself, and listen to your own bodies response. My belief in regards to nutrition, from my own experience is that if you cut out, from your diet, things like sugar, white flour, red meat, and consume less salt, you will feel as healthy as if you were eating raw. This obviously is in reference to the average healthy Adult. Don't just take my word for it. Go ahead, see for yourself....

Well yes, about the PILATES!

I'm pursuing Pilates Internship at a studio in West Los Angeles. I've offered my help with administrative work, with hopes of learning all aspects of how a fitness studio is run, as I hope to own a dance related studio of my own one day! -All donations welcome :) -
I just recently began the program on the 21st of January, 2011 and so far, I'm definitely fascinated with the different contraptions used for a Pilates workout. 

Prior to entering the program I had some experience with Pilates mat exercises, but the equipment, I had no such training, nor familiarity with. It's definitely quite the experience to learn more about it, as it's not your typical gym equipment. But then again, Pilates isn't meant to be a sweat till you faint workout, usually offered at a gyms near you, but rather, for the purpose of developing in each person, body awareness. The reps are less important than how well you perform the exercise. Essentially it's better to perform each exercise great a few times than mediocre a hundred times because mediocrity in Pilates can lead to injury. If you are a dancer, or have taken any dance, yoga, or even pilates classes in your lifetime, you are familiar with the "Body Awareness"  I speak of.